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摘 要:能力驗證是利用實驗室間比對評價實驗室校準或檢測能力的重要手段,合理的質量控制是確保能力驗證檢測結果準確性的關鍵。本文分別從試劑耗材、操作過程、儀器設備、人員及環(huán)境等5個方面對食品中金黃色葡萄球菌定量檢測能力驗證的影響因素和關鍵環(huán)節(jié)進行分析,以期為食品微生物實驗室能力驗證的質量控制提供參考。


Quality Control of Proficiency Testing for Quantitative Testing of Staphylococcus aureus in Food

LEI Lanlan, KANG Jie, WANG Ying, ZHENG Yuhong, GUO Yufan, ZHANG Man

(Shaanxi Province Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute, Xi’an 710048, China)

Abstract: Proficiency testing is an important method to evaluate laboratory calibration or testing ability by using inter-laboratory comparison. Reasonable quality control is the key to ensure the accuracy of proficiency testing test results. In this paper, the influencing factors and key links of proficiency testing for quantitative detection of Staphylococcus aureus in food are analyzed from five aspects: reagent consumables, operation process, equipment, personnel, and environment, so as to provide reference for the quality control of food microbiology laboratory proficiency testing.

Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus; proficiency testing; quality control

金黃色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)是一種重要病原菌,隸屬于葡萄球菌屬(Staphylococcus),是革蘭氏陽性菌的代表,可引起許多嚴重感染,也是常見的食源性致病菌,一旦食物保存不當,金黃色葡萄球菌可大量繁殖,可引起食物中毒。(剩余4084字)
