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摘 要:葡萄采摘后易被病原微生物侵入,導致腐敗變質,縮短了葡萄的貯藏銷售期,影響了鮮食葡萄的經(jīng)濟效益。本文分析引起葡萄腐敗的主要病原菌,從物理化學和生物層面,概述了近年來鮮食葡萄的貯藏保鮮研究進展,并探討了未來抗菌防腐技術發(fā)展前景和研究方向。


Abstract: Grapes are easily invaded by pathogenic microorganisms after picking, leading to spoilage and deterioration, shortening the storage and sales period of grapes, and affecting the economic benefits of fresh grapes. This article analyzes the main pathogenic bacteria that cause grape spoilage, summarizes the research progress on the storage and preservation of fresh grapes in recent years from the physical, chemical, and biological perspectives. It also discusses the future development prospects and research directions of antibacterial and anti-corrosion technologies.

Keywords: grape; pathogenic microorganism; preservative; economic benefit

1 葡萄貯藏期間由病原微生物引起的腐敗問題

葡萄在我國種植歷史悠久,2021年全國葡萄總產(chǎn)量為1 499.80萬t。(剩余5038字)
