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摘 要 偉大建黨精神是中國共產(chǎn)黨的精神標識,是涵養(yǎng)大學生職業(yè)觀的重要源泉。文章從偉大建黨精神涵養(yǎng)大學生職業(yè)觀的重要意義出發(fā),剖析了偉大建黨精神涵養(yǎng)大學生職業(yè)觀的核心要義,并從課程育人、實踐育人、服務育人三個方面提出了偉大建黨精神涵養(yǎng)大學生職業(yè)觀的實踐路徑。

關鍵詞 偉大建黨精神;大學生;職業(yè)觀

中圖分類號:G41                              文獻標識碼:A    DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdk.2023.20.029

On the Logic of the Great Party-building Spirit to Cultivate the

Vocational Concept of College Students

HUANG Qiao, XIA Yong

(Xiangnan University, Chenzhou, Hunan 423000)

Abstract The great party-building spirit is the spiritual symbol of the Communist Party of China, is an important source of cultivating the Career perspective of college students. Starting from the significance of the great party-building spirit in cultivating the career perspective of college students, this paper analyzes the core significance of the great party-building spirit in cultivating the career perspective of college students, and from the curriculum education, practice education, service education three aspects of the great spirit of the party to cultivate the career perspective of college students practical path.

Keywords great party-building spirit; college students; career perspective

2021 年7月1日,習近平總書記在慶祝中國共產(chǎn)黨成立 100 周年大會上首次提出了“堅持真理、堅守理想,踐行初心、擔當使命,不怕犧牲、英勇斗爭,對黨忠誠、不負人民”的偉大建黨精神[1]。(剩余6386字)
