摘 要 針對部分高校電子信息專業(yè)建設過程中雷達原理課程建設面臨五方面的矛盾與問題,從課程組力量、教材建設、實踐教學條件、信息化資源和教學文檔五方面闡述該課程的建設思路,隨著相關建設思路及措施逐步推進,可以預見雷達原理課程建設發(fā)展必將加速部分高校電子信息專業(yè)的發(fā)展進步。
關鍵詞 雷達原理;課程建設;教材建設;實踐教學條件;信息化資源;教學文檔
中圖分類號:G642.3 文獻標識碼:B
Teaching Reform and Practice of Radar Princi-
ple Course for Electronic Information Spe-cialty in Colleges and Universities//ZHANG Lin, ZHANG Hai, XUE Yonghua, HUANG Yong, ZHANG Caisheng
Abstract Aiming at five contradictions and problems faced by the course construction of Radar Principle in the construction of electronic information spe-cialty in colleges and universities, this paper ex-pounds the construction ideas of the course from five aspects that the strength of the course group, the construction of teaching materials, practical teaching conditions, information resources and tea-ching documents. With the gradual promotion of rele-
vant construction ideas and measures, it can be pre-
dicted that the construction and development of Radar
Principle course will accelerate the development and
progress of electronic information specialty in co-lleges and universities.
Key words radar principle; construction of course; construction of teaching materials; practical tea-ching conditions; information resources; teaching documents
Authors’ address Naval Aeronautical University, Yantai, Shandong, China, 264001
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