Research onDielectric Resonator Antennas of Ground Penetrating Radar
Ge Wei1 Zhang Zhao1 Peng Zhenghui1 Li Jing2 Chen Juan3
1. China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation ShandongQingdao 266107; 2. Jilin University JilinChangchun 130026; 3. Xi’an Jiao Tong University ShaanxiXi’an 710071
Abstract:In order to improve depth and gain of ground penetrating radar, the paper deduces resonance process of electromagnetic wave in the dielectric resonator antenna stimulated by periodic signal from the perspective of physical damped oscillation stimulated by periodic force and describes the basic working method, and the resonance amplification is simulated. It is found that signals in the antenna resonant cavity form standing waves stimulated by periodic signal and the energy is enhanced, which proves that trading time for energy is feasible. The antenna has high radiation due to the resonance amplification, which is of great significance for solving the depth problem of the ground penetrating radar.
Keywords :dielectric resonator antennas; ground penetrating radar; standing wave; resonant cavity; resonance amplification