On the Training Mode of Foreign Language Technical Talents in Tourism Service Industry in Wuling Mountain Area
ZHAI Jingjing,LIU Liang,JIANG Muhao
(Zhangjiajie Institute of Aeronautical Engineering,Hunan Zhangjiajie 427000)
AbstractThis paper discusses the training mode of foreign language technical talents in tourism service industry by focusing on the only higher vocational college in Zhangjiajie,which is the tourism leader in Wuling mountain area,and based on the new standard of college English curriculum of higher vocational education in 2021. We should achieve three-dimensional improvement from the aspects of optimizing teachers' quality,integrating online + offline and professional + local characteristic courses,and paying attention to students' comprehensive application practice of foreign languages. In order to realize the quality improvement and upgrading of the training of foreign language technical talents.
Keywordstourism service industry;foreign Language;technical talents;training mode