摘要 表面科學是一門交叉性邊緣學科,已成為凝聚態(tài)物理一個越來越重要的學科分支,但其在本科教學中涉及較少。文章就表面科學融入本科教學的內容和方式進行了討論,旨在激發(fā)本科生對表面科學的興趣,能將原理和方法應用于現(xiàn)實的自然現(xiàn)象和物質世界,為將來更快地進入相關研究角色提供幫助和指導。
關鍵詞 表面科學;本科教學;課程
On the Teaching of Surface Science in Undergraduate Teaching
YU Yinghui
(School of Physics and Electronic Science,Hubei University,Wuhan,Hubei 430062)
AbstractSurface science is an interdisciplinary frontier subject,which has become an increasingly important branch of condensed matter physics,but it is less involved in undergraduate teaching. This paper discusses the contents and methods of integrating surface science into undergraduate teaching,in order to stimulate undergraduates' interest in surface science,apply principles and methods to real natural phenomena and material world,and provide help and guidance for entering relevant research roles faster in the future.
Keywordssurface science;undergraduate teaching;course