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作者簡介 關(guān)平(1989—),男,甘肅高臺人,工程師,主要從事灌溉管理研究。

收稿日期 2023-06-30

Discussion on Improving the Efficiency of Agricultural Irrigation Water Management

Guan Ping (Sanqingqu Water Conservancy Management Office of Gaotai County, Gaotai, Gansu 734300)

Abstract Improving the efficiency of agricultural irrigation water management is the key to solving the problems of water resource shortage and sustainable agricultural development. With the continuous growth of population and the acceleration of urbanization, the demand for agricultural production and rural economy is increasing, and agricultural irrigation water had become the main part of global water resource consumption. Due to poor management of irrigation water, there was a large amount of waste and unreasonable use, leading to water shortage and environmental degradation, which affected the sustainable development of agriculture. Reasonable irrigation water management can not only ensure that farmland crops get enough water, but also reduce waste, protect water resources, improve agricultural production efficiency, and realize the sustainable development of agriculture. Analyzed the significance of improving the efficiency of agricultural irrigation water management, irrigation water loss and agricultural irrigation water management problems, and put forward the measures to improve the efficiency of agricultural irrigation water management, for its reference.

Key words Agricultural irrigation; Water management; Efficiency improvement

摘要 農(nóng)業(yè)灌溉用水管理效率的提高,是解決水資源短缺和農(nóng)業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展問題的關(guān)鍵。(剩余6074字)
