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作者簡介 李暉(1986—),男,山西武鄉(xiāng)人,工程師,主要從事專業(yè)氣象服務(wù)工作。

收稿日期 2023-09-12

Impact of Meteorological Disasters on Facility Agriculture and Exploration of Meteorological Services in Shanxi

Li Hui (Shanxi Meteorological Service Center, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030002)

Abstract Facility agriculture was closely related to meteorological conditions, and the growth and development of facility agriculture requires appropriate temperature, light, humidity, and water conditions. With the continuous enhancement of the modernization level of agricultural production, facility agriculture has developed rapidly and has become the main source of economic income for farmers. Against the backdrop of global warming, various extreme and catastrophic weather events occur frequently, which has an increasingly significant impact on the production efficiency of facility agriculture. On the basis of the current development status of facility agriculture in Shanxi Province, this article explores the impact of different types of meteorological disasters on facility agriculture based on the occurrence and development laws of meteorological disasters in Shanxi Province, and proposes several meteorological service measures for reference and reference by peers.

Key words Meteorological disasters; Facilities agricultural; Meteorological service

摘要 設(shè)施農(nóng)業(yè)同氣象條件息息相關(guān),設(shè)施農(nóng)業(yè)生長發(fā)育中需要有適宜的溫度、光照、濕度及水分條件。(剩余6233字)
