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作者簡介 李翠娟(1979—),女,寧夏固原人,林業(yè)助理工程師,主要從事苗木培育、林業(yè)有害生物防治、林業(yè)病蟲害監(jiān)測等工作。

收稿日期 2023-07-30

Research on Dynamic Monitoring of Forestry Diseases and Pests and

Construction of Protective Forest System

Li Cui-juan (Liupanshan Forestry Bureau, Guyuan, Ningxia 756400)

Abstract At present, the smooth development of forestry resources protection was an important prerequisite for the sustainable development and application of forestry resources. However, in the process of forestry development, trees were often affected by diseases, insect pests or other factors. Therefore, it was very necessary to strengthen the dynamic monitoring of forestry diseases and insect pests and build a perfect protection system. Based on the actual development of forestry, this paper analyzed the problems in the process of forestry pest control and forestry protection system construction, put forward the specific contents of forestry pest and pest monitoring and control, and the relevant strategies of the protection system construction, so as to provide reference for related industries.

Key words Forestry pests and diseases; Construction of protective forest system; Strategy

摘要 現(xiàn)階段,林業(yè)資源保護工作的順利開展是林業(yè)資源可持續(xù)利用的重要前提。(剩余6150字)
