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作者簡介 韓國榮(1979—),女,內(nèi)蒙古赤峰人,工程師,主要從事氣象學(xué)研究。

收稿日期 2023-07-30

Research on the Application of WeChat Platform in Meteorological Service

Han Guo-rong (Chifeng Meteorological Bureau, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia 024000)

Abstract Under the background of continuous social progress and development, people paid more and more attention to various weather events that affect daily life and work, and put forward higher requirements for the level and quality of meteorological services. Traditional SMS, newspapers and other ways in the timeliness of meteorological information release, popularity and other aspects of the lack. The application of WeChat platform to meteorological services can meet the requirements of the wide popularization and timeliness of meteorological information. Analyzed the WeChat platform applied in the meteorological service, expounded the WeChat platform in the meteorological service practice and WeChat platform applied in the meteorological service revealed problems, and from the meteorological service WeChat platform, grasp the platform user actual demand, rich platform meteorological service content, innovation meteorological WeChat model, discussed the development trend of WeChat platform in the meteorological service.

Key words WeChat platform; Weather service; Application; Development

摘要 在社會不斷進(jìn)步發(fā)展的背景下,人們對影響日常生活工作的各種天氣事件愈發(fā)關(guān)注,對氣象服務(wù)水平與質(zhì)量提出了更高要求。(剩余6105字)
