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中圖分類號:G712文獻標(biāo)識碼:A          DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdk.2022.06.012

Exploration and Practice of Three-education Reform of Beauty and Body Art Specialtyunder the Background of Enrollment Expansion in Higher Vocational Colleges

ZHANG Yi, CAO Chen, JIANG Luzhen

(Ningbo College of Health Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315100)

Abstract  In response to the million enrollment expansion of higher vocational education,  the beauty and body art specialty of Ningbo Health Vocational and Technical College cooperates with high-quality enterprises to recruit more students from the society, actively adjust the teaching mode and meet the needs of the situation and development. Based on the analysis of the types of students, learning motivation and academic basis of the expanded enrollment of students, and in line with the concept of "student-centered", this paper makes the "three education" reform of teachers, teaching materials and teaching methods run through the whole process of teaching, so as to improve the quality of talent training. Keywords  higher vocational enrollment expansion; student-centered; three-education reform

