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摘 要:汽車駕駛技能是通用型技能的一種。當前發(fā)展情況下,汽車的普及度越來越高,逐漸成為人們日常出行與工作的重要交通工具。基于交通管理的復雜性、駕駛員的差異性以及交通規(guī)范性等因素,汽車駕駛安全隱患仍舊存在。故預防汽車駕駛安全隱患已經成為汽車駕駛員必須重視的問題。

關鍵詞:汽車駕駛 安全隱患 隱患預防

Analysis of Potential Safety Hazards in Automobile Driving and Countermeasures

Liu Zhengwu

Abstract:Car driving skills are a type of general-purpose skill. Under the current development situation, the popularity of automobiles is getting higher and higher, and it has gradually become an important means of transportation for people's daily travel and work. Based on factors such as the complexity of traffic management, driver differences and traffic norms, car driving safety hazards still exist. Therefore, the prevention of car driving safety hazards has become a problem that car drivers must pay attention to.

Key words:car driving, safety hazards, hidden hazard prevention

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