【摘 要】石化工程建設項目具有一體化程度高、工藝復雜、界面眾多等特點,選擇適合的項目管理模式是工程項目成功的重大因素之一。論文對業(yè)主+E+P+C、業(yè)主+EPC、業(yè)主+PMC+X等不同項目管理模式的適用性進行分析,得出結(jié)論,即PMC模式在石化工程領域具有較高的適用性。
【Abstract】Petrochemical engineering construction projects are characterized by high degree of integration, complex technology and numerous interfaces, so the selection of suitable project management mode is one of the important factors for the success of engineering projects. This paper analyzes the applicability of owner +E+P+C, owner +EPC, owner +PMC+X and other different project management modes, and draws a conclusion that PMC mode has a high applicability in the field of petrochemical engineering.
【Keywords】petrochemical projects; engineering construction mode; criteria for the success of project construction; project management contracting mode
【中圖分類號】TE65;TU71 【文獻標志碼】A 【文章編號】1673-1069(2022)02-0150-03
1 工程及工程建設模式定義
1.1 工程的定義