在不到1 000 萬年的時間里,非洲坦噶尼喀湖中已進化出約250 種慈鯛科魚類。研究人員現已將這些魚類的探索行為與生態(tài)位適應聯系起來,并確定了對該物種的探索行為有強烈影響的一種遺傳變異。封面圖片描繪了一條雄性帝王慈鯛魚在繁殖狀態(tài)下進行領地展示的情景。
Abou t 2 5 0 c i c h l i d f i shspecies have evolved in Africa’sLake Tanganyika in less than 10million years. Researchers havenow linked exploratory behaviorto niche adaptation in thesefish and identified a geneticvariant with a strong effecton the exploratory behavioro f t h e s p e c i e s . T h e i m a g edepicts a male emperor cichlid(Boulengerochromis microlepis )in breeding mood performing aterritorial display.