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【摘 要】目的:探討皮膚科實習護生帶教中應用不同護理帶教方案的效果。方法:選擇我院皮膚科實習護生80名進行研究,隨機數表法分為兩組,每組40名。常規(guī)帶教為對照組,全程一對一帶教為觀察組。對比考核成績與滿意度情況。結果:觀察組實習護生考核成績各項評分均高于對照組,同時帶教老師與患者對實習護生滿意度更高,組間差異顯著(P


Application comparison of different nursing teaching programs in the teaching of dermatology intern nurses

ZHANG Guifang

Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210000, China

【Abstract】Objective: To explore the effects of applying different nursing teaching programs in the teaching of dermatology intern nursing students. Method: 80 trainee nurses in the dermatology department of our hospital were selected for the study. Random number table method was divided into two groups, 40 in each group. Routine teaching was the control group, and the whole one-to-one teaching was the observation group. Compare assessment results and satisfaction. Results: The evaluation scores of the intern nursing students in the observation group were higher than those in the control group. At the same time, the teachers and patients were more satisfied with the intern nursing students, and there was a significant difference between the groups(P

【Key?Words】Dermatology intern nursing students; One-on-one teaching throughout the whole course; Teaching by scheduling system; Assessment results

