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摘要 為了研究養(yǎng)殖模式對中華鱉營養(yǎng)的影響,評估了池塘單作、藕鱉共作和稻鱉魚共作3種養(yǎng)殖模式下,中華鱉肌肉和鱉裙中氨基酸及膠原蛋白含量。結(jié)果表明:3種養(yǎng)殖模式下,相同部位中氨基酸總量(TAA),必需氨基酸含量(EAA)均無顯著差異。池塘單作模式下,肌肉的蛋白質(zhì)營養(yǎng)價值最高,味道最為鮮美。

關(guān)鍵詞 養(yǎng)殖模式;中華鱉;氨基酸;膠原蛋白

中圖分類號 S966.5  文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼 A  文章編號 0517-6611(2024)14-0062-04


The Effect of Culturing Patterns on the Amino Acid Value of Pelodiscus sinensis

WANG Fen,CHEN Zhu,SONG Guang-tong et al

(Anhui Key Laboratory of Aquaculture and Stock Enhancement/Fisheries Research Institute of Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hefei,Anhui 230031)

Abstract To study the influence of culturing patterns on the nutrition of Pelodiscus sinensis, the amino acid and collagen contents of muscle and calipash were assessed under 3 kinds of culturing patterns of pond monoculture,co-culturing of lotus-P.sinensis and rice-P.sinensis-fish.There was no significant difference between the contents of total amino acids (TAA) and essential amino acids (EAA) in 3 kinds of culturing patterns.And muscle protein had the highest nutritional value and the most delicious taste in the pond monoculture pattern.

Key words Aquaculture mode;Pelodiscus sinensis;Amino acids;Collagen protein

基金項目 安徽省科技重大專項(202003a0602006);安徽省重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃項目(201904b11020026);安徽省水產(chǎn)產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)體系(皖農(nóng)科函〔2021〕711號)。(剩余7821字)
