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摘 要:額濟納出土的簡牘是兩漢時期書法墨跡,是漢代書法“隸書草化”的縮影。額濟納漢簡書法鑒賞與創(chuàng)作過程中可見“象、法”的書法形式要素以及以“媚美”為形式規(guī)定的法度特征與以“自由”為內容追求的書意特征,由此升華出從“書法意象”到“書法意境”的額濟納漢簡審美理路。


Aesthetic Pathways in the Appreciation

and Creation of Ejina Han Bamboo Slips Calligraphy

Shangguan Wenjin1,2 Li Duwei3

(1.School of Chinese Language and Literature,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610068;

2.Inner Mongolia Research Institute of National Culture and Arts,Hohhot 015008;

3.Changsha County Xingsha Middle School,Changsha 410199)

Abstract:The bamboo slips unearthed in Ejin Hara contain calligraphy from the Han Dynasty,epitomizing the “clerical script cursivization” of Han calligraphy.In the appreciation and creation of Ejin Hara Han bamboo slips calligraphy,one can observe the formal elements of calligraphy (“forms” and “rules”) and the characteristics of the “rule of grace,” as well as the “freedom” sought in the artistic conception of calligraphy.This process elevates the aesthetic pathway from “calligraphy imagery” to “calligraphy artistic conception” in the context of Ejin Hara Han bamboo slips.

Key words:Ejina Han bamboo slips;Han Dynasty;calligraphy aesthetics;aesthetic pathways

