摘 要:文章構建了基于供應商和制造商的綠色供應鏈綠色創(chuàng)新投入決策模型,并對其綠色創(chuàng)新投入策略進行分析;探討在供應商和制造商固定供貨價格和可變供貨價格下制造商、供應商的綠色創(chuàng)新投入策略。
中圖分類號:F274 文獻標志碼:A DOI:10.13714/j.cnki.1002-3100.2023.09.029
Abstract: This paper constructs a decision-making model of green innovation investment in green supply chain based on suppliers and manufacturers, and analyzes its green innovation investment strategy; this paper discusses the green innovation investment strategy of manufacturers and suppliers under the fixed supply price and variable supply price of suppliers and manufacturers.
Key words: green supply chain; government green subsidy; green innovation
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