Analysis of Common Non-compliance Issues in Tableware Disinfection Cabinets
XIA Rongxin1, BI Yunyu2, WANG Jun1, HU Changgeng1, GAO Zongyang1
(1.Tianchang Market Supervision and Inspection Institute, Tianchang 239300, China; 2. Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai 200233, China)
Abstract: This article provides an overview of the current developments in tableware disinfection cabinets, focusing on safety standards and an examination of common non-compliance issues often encountered during inspections. The key areas of concern include stability and mechanical hazards, structural integrity, power connections and external wiring, as well as grounding measures.
Keywords: tableware disinfection cabinets; safety standards; non-conformities issues; stability and mechanical hazards; grounding measures