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Effect of fine nursing combined with acupoint application on the amount of lactation,pain degree and gastrointestinal function recovery of parturients after cesarean section

ZHANG Mingrong

Shanxian traditional Chinese medicine hospital of Shandong, Heze, Shandong 274300, China

【Abstract】Objective To explore the effect of fine nursing combined with acupoint application on gastrointestinal function, milk yield and pain degree of parturients after cesarean section. Methods 80 parturients with cesarean section were randomly divided into two groups: the control group (40 cases) received fine nursing, and the study group (40 cases) received fine nursing combined with acupoint application. The amount of breast milk, NRS score and recovery time of gastrointestinal function were compared between the two groups. Results Compared with the control group, the amount of lactation in the study group was more at 24h, 48h and 72h postpartum(P

【Key Words】Fine nursing; Acupoint application; Cesarean section; Gastrointestinal function; Degree of pain; Lactation

