摘要 為探索以學生為中心的教學模式,推動一流本科教育建設,提升學生綜合素質,植物生理學課程在“互聯網+”背景下進行了一系列教學改革,具體措施為:精選課程資源,豐富教學內容;多措并舉,捕捉學科前沿;創(chuàng)設宿舍實驗,體驗科研樂趣;創(chuàng)作壓花作品,增強愛課愛校愛國情懷。
關鍵詞 植物生理學;文獻分享;學科前沿;宿舍實驗;壓花作品
中圖分類號 S-01 文獻標識碼 A 文章編號 0517-6611(2022)21-0265-03
Application and Exploration of Student-centered Teaching Model of Plant Physiology Based on Internet
DONG Pan,YANG Li-ting,LI Zheng-guo
(School of Life Sciences,Chongqing University,Chongqing 401331)
Abstract In order to explore the student-centered teaching model,promote the construction of first-class undergraduate education and improve students’ comprehensive quality,the course of plant physiology has carried out a series of teaching reforms in the “Internet” era.Specific measures are as follows:select curriculum resources and enrich the teaching content; capture the frontier of the subject based on multi-measures; create dormitory experiments to improve the fun of scientific research; create embossed works to enhance love for school patriotic feelings.
Key words Plant physiology; Literature sharing; Subject frontiers; Dormitory experiments;Embossed works