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The Current Research Status of Nanomaterials and Their Application Progress and Prospects in the Field of Veterinary Medicine

DONG Qingming

(Liaoning Inspection ,Examination&Certification Centre〔Liaoning Institute forAgro-product Veterinary Drugs and Feed Control〕, Liaoning Key Laboratory of Livestock Product Safety, Shenyang 110036, China)

Abstract: Nanotechnology is a highly anticipated multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research field that has rapidly developed in recent years. This article discusses nanomaterials and their applications in various fields, covering economic analysis, safety issues of nanomaterials, research on nanomaterials in various analytical industries, as well as the development overview and application prospects of nanomaterials in the field of veterinary medicine, and provides prospects for their future development.

Keywords: nanometer material; testing; analysis; veterinary drugs


