關(guān)鍵詞:計量比對 能力驗證 量值傳遞 分光光度計 波長示值誤差
Implementation and Result Analysis of Measurement Comparison of Spectrophotometer
LIU Wei DING Honghong WANG Weibin XIE Wei
Chang jiang Metrology Institute of An hui Province (910 Institute), Hefei, Anhui Province, 230088 China
Abstract: Measurement comparison is a component of capability verification activities, which refers to the activity of two or more calibration and testing institutions testing the same stable transmission standard within a specified time and range according to agreed conditions. By comparing the results, the accuracy of the institution's measurement transmission is judged. The error of the wavelength indication value of UV-VIS spectrophotometer is compared and the problems found in the process are analyzed.
KeyWords: Measurement comparison;Capability Verification;Value transfer; Spectrophotometer; The error of the wavelength indication value