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The influence of Doula accompany delivery nursing mode on the progress of labor

HE Yuan1, CAI Changying2

Department of Obstetrics, The Third Hospital of Changsha, Changsha, Hunan 410000, China

【Abstract】Objective: To analyze the influence of Doula accompanying delivery nursing mode on the progress of labor.Methods:76 pregnant women were selected to carry out the research.The selection period was from January 2020to December 2020.According to the different nursing modes for pregnant women,they were divided into reference group(routine obstetric nursing,38 cases)and experimental group(Doula accompanying delivery nursing mode,38 cases).The labor process time and postpartum complications of the two groups were compared. Results:The time of the first,second and third stage of labor in the experimental group was significantly shorter than that in the reference group(P

【Key Words】Doula accompany delivery nursing mode; Progress of labor; Natural childbirth; Delivery outcome

