Spring is an important time of yearfor birds to lay2 eggs and raising theirbabies. But first things first they need tobuild their nests. Birds don’t live innests, but they build them to have a safeplace to lay and incubate3 their eggs andto raise their babies.
Birds use many materials4 to buildtheir nests, for example, sticks, lichen,spider silk, bark and mud. Different birdsmake different nests. Some nests are assimple as a scrape5 on the ground, othersare carefully6 built.
One kind of nest you might usuallysee is called a cup nest, as it’s the style7made by many garden birds, includingrobins and blackbirds.
Stay well away from their nests. Youcan also help the birds in spring byleaving behind the materials they need tobuild nests, such as sticks or dry grass.
The time it takes for a bird to buildits nest depends8 not only on the kind ofbird but also on its living place. Birdswill change theirnest -making stylewhen something isdifferent aroundthem, such as howmany parasites9there might be.
As our towns grow, we’re cominginto close contact with birds so it’s moreoften to find human-made10 materials inbirds’nests. They will be found more inthe nests of land11 birds than in those ofmarine12 ones.
Everything about making nests is useful, so we can know more about birds.