When we are still children, we want to do good and be the best in school. Wetry our best to get good grades. We try to be on top of our class, too.
But when we grow up, grades are not that important anymore. The importantpart of all this is that we have learned the many things that are taught in school, soas to make sure that we get to get up and move forward in life.
As soon as we go out to the real world, we will go through so much things anddifficulties. We will go through success2 and we can fail3 as well. No matter whathappens, it is best that we know what to do in certain time and make sure that wehave the drive4 to get up and do whatever we can to move forward as well.
Is there really a way to get up in life and move forward easily? The truth is,we will all go through a number of hardships5 and we should be able6 to makesure that we are able to face all this happily and with a whole heart. This way, nomatter how hard life may get, we will be able to get up and fight.
Life can have so many problems and pains. It is certain and the only thingwe can do is to prepare for when they come. There are things that are importantto have in these kinds of time. We should be able to believe7 in ourselves themost. As at the end of the day, we are the ones who will decide8 what happens toour future.