If you like sport, the American winter is a good time for you.
Winter sports are popular in North America. In winter time, a large part of the land is covered1 in snow. This lasts for up to four months.
Only two parts of the USA are warm in winter. One is the coasts2, especially3Florida and southern California. One is the southern part of the Mississippi.
Everywhere else it gets cold, often very cold. By the end of November, manyAmerican states are often covered in snow. Recent winters are not so cold. But sportin winter usually means snow sports, or indoor4 sports.
By January, many places in North America will be very cold. The temperatures5 are -30C. Sure, not every day is so cold, but such low temperaturesare usual. In Chicago and Minneapolis, the temperature can be as low as -40.
When it is very cold, people usually don’t want to go outside. Sometimes there is a cold wind. That is worse. But on sunny winter days, winter sports are popular.
In the middle of North America, the most popular winter sports are snowmobiling6, snow-shoeing7 and cross-country skiing. Ice-skating8 is popular,too. Lakes and rivers freeze9, and many towns and cities have open-air skatingrinks10. They are free to use. In many places, there are lights after dark. So peoplecan enjoy skating in the evening.
However, for many people, real “winter sports”means downhill skiing11. Inthe USA, there are two main areas for downhill skiing: the Adirondack Mountains inthe North East, and the Rockies in the West.
The Rockies may be the best place in the world for skiing. North America hasa “continental12”climate13. It means dry and cold winters. So the snow here isusually very dry and powdery14. It is good for skiing. So North America has somemost famous skiing resorts15. They are mostly as high as over 2,000 metres.