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摘要 垂柳生長速度快、外形美觀,是我國重要的觀賞樹之一,且在水土保持、森林防護、庭院綠化等方面發(fā)揮著十分重要的作用。垂柳是病蟲害多發(fā)的樹種,病蟲害嚴重危害著垂柳的種植。因此,結合垂柳生物學特性,分析了垂柳扦插育苗技術要點和苗期管理,最后則提出了幾點垂柳病蟲害防治措施,旨在為垂柳種植提供參考和借鑒。

關鍵詞 垂柳;扦插育苗;苗期管理;病蟲害防治

中圖分類號:S723.1 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:2095–3305(2022)10–0152–03

Analysis on the Key Technical Points of Weeping Willow Cutting Seedling and the Measures of Disease and Pest Control

FANG Xiaoyan (Yulin Forestry Science Research Institute, Yulin, Shaanxi 719000)

Abstract Weeping willow is one of the important ornamental trees in China because of its fast growth and beautiful appearance, and it plays a very important role in water and soil conservation, forest protection, courtyard greening and so on. Weeping willow is a tree species with frequent diseases and insect pests, which seriously harms the planting of weeping willow. Therefore, combined with the biological characteristics of weeping willow, analyzed the key points of cutting seedling technology and seedling management of weeping willow, and finally put forward several measures for the prevention and control of weeping willow diseases and insect pests, aim to provid reference for weeping willow growers.

Key words Weeping willow; Cutting; Seedling management; Disease and pest control

