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摘要 在對江西省宜豐縣林長制工作開展情況和主要做法進行調(diào)研的基礎上,通過對宜豐縣實施林長制初步取得的森林資源“三保、三增、三防”階段性成果分析,總結林長制對縣級林業(yè)資源保護和發(fā)展的重要作用,并探析了宜豐縣的林長制工作待深化的方面。

關鍵詞 林業(yè)資源管理;制度創(chuàng)新;林長制

中圖分類號:F326.27 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:2095–3305(2022)10–0146–03

Analysis on the Effect of Forest Director System in Yifeng County, Jiangxi Province

WANG Hongliang et al(Forestry Bureau of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, Yichun, Jiangxi 336000)

Abstract Based on the investigation of the development and main practices of the forest director system in Yifeng County, Jiangxi Province, and through the analysis of the phased achievements of“Three Guarantees, three increases and three defenses”of forest resources initially achieved by the implementation of the forest director system in Yifeng County, the important role of the forest director system in the protection and development of forest resources at the county level is summarized, and the aspects to be deepened in the forest director system in Yifeng county are analyzed.

Key words Forestry resource manage-ment; System innovation; Forest head system

1 宜豐縣林長制的基本情況

