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Summary of best evidence for the prevention and management of lower limb lymphedema after radical cervical hysterectomy

CHEN Guo,LI Zhan,JIANG Peiwen,HONG Yini

Guangzhou First People′s Hospital,Guangdong 510180 China

Corresponding AuthorCHEN Guo,E-mail:[email protected]

AbstractObjective:To retrieve,evaluate and summarize the relevant evidence for the prevention and management of lower limb lymphedema after radical cervical cancer surgery,and to provide evidence-based evidence for clinical medical personnel.Methods:Systematically search databases,obtain literature related to lower extremity lymphedema after radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer,and the literature were screened and evaluated,the related evidences were extracted and summarized from quality standardized literature.Results:A total of 8 articles were finally included,including 2 clinical decisions,2 guidelines,1 systematic review and 3 consensuses.23 best evidences in 7 aspects including definition and staging,prevention and monitoring,evaluation,patient education,conservative treatment,surgical treatment and follow-up were extracted and summarized.Conclusion:This study summarizes the best evidence for the prevention and management of lower limb lymphedema after radical cervical cancer surgery,which can be transformed and further explored by clinical medical personnel based on clinical practice.

Keywordsradical hysterectomy;lower limb lymphedema;summary of evidence;evidence-based nursing

