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摘  要:高校博士研究生創(chuàng)新能力的培養(yǎng)在我國“創(chuàng)新型國家”的建設進程中起著關鍵性作用,也是高?!半p一流”建設的一個重要突破口。文章從培養(yǎng)目標、培養(yǎng)內(nèi)容、培養(yǎng)過程和培養(yǎng)保障機制幾個方面分析基于交叉學科培養(yǎng)模式的探索成果以及實踐基礎,探討交叉學科模式在博士創(chuàng)新實踐能力培養(yǎng)中的新思路。


中圖分類號:C961       文獻標志碼:A          文章編號:2096-000X(2022)06-0040-05

Abstract: The cultivation of practical innovation ability of doctoral students in universities plays a key role in the process of "innovative country" in China, and it is also an important breakthrough for the construction of "double first-class" in colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the causes of the objective problems existing in the current doctoral training, and summarizes the existing exploration results and practical foundations from five aspects: training objectives, training content, training process and training guarantee mechanism. Combined with the interdisciplinary training mode, a new idea about the cultivation of comprehensive ability and innovative practice ability of doctoral students was put forward. Finally, the paper further explores the main problems, training characteristics, training suggestions and practical significance of interdisciplinary needs in the process of comprehensive innovative talent training.

Keywords: interdisciplinarity; doctoral students; cultivation of innovative ability

