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From November 21 to 24, cultural officers from embassies of four Latin American countries attended the opening ceremony of the 10th Chongqing Youth Film Festival in Chongqing. They were from the Embassy of the Republic of Peru, the Embassy of the Republic of Colombia, the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba and the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in China.

Erika Lizardo, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the Republic of Peru in China, considered this film festival a feast gathering people of different cultural backgrounds, and shared a Peruvian film named Un Mundo Para Julius (A World for Julius). Moraima Rodriguez Nuviola, Cultural Officer of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in China, introduced Cuban films, namely Inocencia (Innocence) and Nido De Mantis (The Mantis Nest), expecting to bring Cuban and Chinese films, history and cultures closer during this festival. Alejandra Torrealba, Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in China, extended gratitude to the film festival for a platform to showcase Latin American and Caribbean culture, since films are important ways for communicating culture and art. Melisa Murcia Pabon, Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Colombia in China, indicated that the smooth exchanges on urban culture between Medellín, Colombia and Chongqing had boosted both sides’ economic, educational and cultural development.

The film, Struggle and Courage, raised the curtain of the film festival at the site. Moraima Rodriguez Nuviola believed the film portrayed the resilience of the Chinese, especially the people of Chongqing, as they courageously navigate through steep mountains and persistently strive for poverty alleviation.

With the support of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, Chongqing Youth Film Festival has been selecting Latin American films for the public to discover the exotic culture since 2021. Six films recommended by the embassies of the four Latin American countries in China were played and well received during the festival this year.

Source/Chongqing Daily & Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs

By He Yu

