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The latest progress of prostate targeted biopsy

ZHENG Zhongyi,CAO Xiaoming

(Department of Urology,The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China)


Image,guided targeted biopsy is currently the mainstream method of prostate cancer puncture biopsy,while risk stratification based on imaging and biochemical markers may become the new standard. This paper comprehensively reviews the latest advancements in various imaging techniques and strategies of targeted prostate biopsy. Ultrasound,assisted prostate biopsy mainly includes transrectal ultrasound (TRUS),transrectal,contrast enhanced ultrasound (TR,CEUS),and transrectal real,time elastography (TRTE),which can significantly increase the diagnosis rate of prostate cancer when combined with biopsy. Three,dimensional transrectal ultrasound (3D,TRUS) technology may be used in patients with a negative previous biopsy. At present,micro,ultrasound (Micro,US),the latest ultrasound method,is not inferior to mp,MRI in targeted biopsy of the prostate. Targeted biopsy by mp,MRI has improved the detection rate of clinically significant prostate cancer

(csPCa),and the common NMR targeted technologies are magnetic resonance imaging,visual,targeted biopsy (MRI,visual,TB),magnetic resonance imaging,fusion,targeted biopsy (MRI,fusion,TB),and in,bore magnetic resonance imaging,target biopsy (MRI,TB). The fusion of MRI and Micro,US imaging for targeted biopsy has also become a new targeted biopsy method,and MR robot,assisted biopsy is gradually being applied. PET/CT improves localization of tumors and may be valuable for initial staging,re,staging after biochemical recurrence,even in patients with MRI,negative prostate cancer. PET/CT targeted biopsy using tracer has been shown to yield good diagnostic efficacy. PET/MRI technology has the potential to be the imaging test for needle,free biopsies in the future. The development of technology has led to the adaptation and optimization of biopsy strategies in clinical practice.

KEY WORDS:prostate cancer;biopsy;targeted biopsy;biopsy strategy;imaging technology;ultrasound assisted;MRI assisted;PET/CT guidance

