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【摘    要】:為加強深海試驗水池的配套設備技術研究,提供功能更全面的海洋研究平臺,總結了國內(nèi)外試驗水池發(fā)展的現(xiàn)狀,結合三亞崖州深海科技創(chuàng)新平臺項目的海工試驗水池配套設備實例,介紹了相關設備工藝和智能化設備控制系統(tǒng)。


【中圖分類號】:TU991.343 【文獻標志碼】:C 【文章編號】:1008-3197(2024)02-78-03


Research on Technology of Equipment Installation of Ocean Engineering Test Pool

GAO Ruiqi1, ZHANG Qian1, LIU Xiaomin1, XU Hao2, YAN Maolei2, TIAN Buyuan1

(1.China Construction Sixth Engineering Bureau Co. Ltd., Tianjin 300012, China;2.China Construction Sixth Bureau South China

Construction Co. Ltd., Shenzhen 518101, China)

【Abstract】:For reinforce research on equipment installment of the deep-sea test pool, to build a more comprehensive Marine research platform. This paper summarizes the development of the test pool at home and abroad, illustrates the technical difficulties and installation process of the relevant equipment and intelligent equipment control system combined with the case of the marine engineering test pool of Sanya Yazhou deep-sea Science and technology innovation platform project.

【Key words】:test pool; marine environment; equipment installation


