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摘 要:陜西歷史文化與旅游資源豐富,是國內(nèi)外游客鐘情的旅游目的地。陜西旅游文本的外宣翻譯主要存在重語義輕信息、文化缺省、語言表達(dá)誤差等問題。對此,譯者應(yīng)充分考慮跨文化交際的要求,立足源文眾與譯文受眾之間的文化差異,選擇合適的翻譯策略和技巧、恰當(dāng)?shù)靥幚砦幕畔?、充分尊重目的語受眾需求與習(xí)慣。


中圖分類號:H315.9    文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼:A 文章編號:1674-0033(2024)01-0049-07


International Publicity Translation of Tourism Texts in Shaanxi from the Cross-cultural Perspective

GAO Bao-ping, WANG Xin

(College of Humanities and Foreign Languages, University of Science and Technology, Xi'an  710054,Shaanxi)

Abstract: Shaanxi is a popular destination for domestic and foreign tourists with rich  history, culture and tourism resources. However, there are some problems in the international translation of tourism texts in Shaanxi, such as incomplete information, cultural default and inappropriate language. For this reason, great importance must be attached to cross-cultural communication while translating, thus choosing proper translation strategies and techniques, working with cultural information appropriately, and fully considering the needs and habits of the target audience in accordance with the cultural differences between original language and the target language.

Key words: cross-cultural communication; Shaanxi; tourism texts; international publicity translation

