摘要 在進行茶葉種植的過程中,溫度、濕度、光照條件等氣象條件對茶葉的生長起著十分關(guān)鍵的作用。介紹了茶葉種植需要的氣候條件,分析了氣候條件對茶葉種植的影響,闡述了氣候條件對茶葉種植影響的防治措施,并針對貴州雷山縣茶葉種植提出了一些防治措施,以期保證茶葉的品質(zhì)與產(chǎn)量。
關(guān)鍵詞 氣象條件;茶葉;防治措施
中圖分類號:S571.1 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:2095–3305(2023)05–0031-03
Study on Influence of Meteorological Conditions on Tea Planting and Its Control Measures
Wu Ping-li (Leishan County Meteorological Bureau, Leishan, Guizhou 557100)
Abstract During the process of tea cultivation, meteorological conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light play a crucial role in the growth of tea. Introduced the climatic conditions required for tea cultivation, analyzed the impact of climatic conditions on tea cultivation, elaborated on the prevention and control measures of the impact of climatic conditions on tea cultivation, and proposed prevention and control measures for tea cultivation in Leishan County, Guizhou, in order to ensure the quality and yield of tea.
Key words Meteorological conditions; Tea; Prevention and control measures