Research on welding process of steel shell for cable towers of long-span steel bridges
FAN Junqi1, ZHANG Yingwen2, WU Tianfeng1, XU Xiangjun1
1.Chinarailway Shanhaiguanbridge Group Co,. Ltd., Qinhuangdao 066205, Hebei, China
2.Guangdong Bay Area Transportation Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511400, Guangdong, China
Abstract: Introduce the overview of the steel shell tower project of the Shiziyang Bridge. Based on the structural characteristics of the Shiziyang steel shell tower, such as large component size, thin plate thickness, dense welding seams, and narrow working space, a welding process experiment was conducted to develop a large-scale robot welding process solution. The robot welding process for plate unit welding, segment assembly welding, and bridge position welding was studied and developed. Measures were taken to control welding deformation, improve welding efficiency, ensure welding quality, and lay a technical foundation for the formal welding production of the project.
Keywords: steel tower; welding; robot; plate element; segment
1 序言
獅子洋通道位于珠江三角洲核心地帶,路線全長約 35.1km,主橋獅子洋大橋采用主跨 2180m雙層鋼桁梁懸索橋,過江段為雙層雙向八車道高速公路標準。(剩余4111字)