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中圖分類號:S567.23              文獻標志碼:A              文章編號:1001-1463(2022)01-0068-05


Effect of Air Temperature on the Accumulation of Crude Starch in

Lanzhou Lily

LIN Yuhong

(Institute of Biotechnology, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China)

Abstract:Taking 1-3-year-old Lanzhou lily growing in different planting areas as test materials, the nutrients of underground bulbs in different growth periods were detected by growth analysis method, and the temperature change data in the planting area were recorded. The results showed that there were significant differences(P < 1%) in the crude starch content of bulb of 1-3-year-old Lanzhou lily in Guanshantownship, Yongjing county, Tianjiahe township, Weiyuan county, and Yujing town, Lintaocountyon October 9. The content of crude starch in lilium from high to low were Lintao, Yongjing and Weiyuancounty, respectively. The effect of temperature on the crude starch content in bulb of 1-3-year-old Lanzhou lilyat late growth stage was different in different planting areas. Atthe later growth stage of 3-year-old Lanzhou lily, the content of crude starch in WeiYuan was positively correlated with the average maximum temperature, average minimum temperature, and average temperature difference. The content of crude starch of bulb in LinTaowas significantly negatively correlated with average maximum temperature and average temperature difference. There was no significant correlation between other planting areas and temperature factors. The bulb growth rate and starch accumulation of Lanzhou lily in different planting areas were different, and the quality of lilium varied obviously.

Key words:Lanzhou lily;Planting area;Crude starch;Content;Air temperature

蘭州百合(Lilium davidii Var. unicolor)是百合科百合屬川百合的變種,多年生鱗莖草本植物。(剩余6359字)
