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高海拔旱區(qū)黑膜半覆蓋菜豌豆帶狀立樁攔網(wǎng) 綠色栽培技術(shù)

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中圖分類號:S643.3              文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)志碼:A              文章編號:1001-1463(2022)01-0052-04


Green Cultivation Techniques Based on the Banded Pile Block of Green Pea with Black Film and Half Covering in High Altitude and Dry Areas

YANG Zimei 1, LI Chengde 2, DING Xue 1, GUO Zhijie 3

(1. Tongwei County Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Tongwei Gansu 743300, China; 2. Gansu General Station of Agricultural Technology Extension, Lanzhou Gansu 730020, China; 3. Institute of Plant Protection, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China)

Abstract:In order to improve pea yield and quality in central area of Gansu province,we have summarizedgreen cultivation techniques of black film half-covered vegetable pea with band-shaped pile and net vegetables in high-altitude dry areas from the aspects of technical application areas and technical terms, preparation before sowing, seed selection, film mulching, seeding, field management, pest control, picking and harvesting, and waste film recycling.

Key words:Green pea;High altitude and dry areas;Black plastic film half covered;Banded pile block;Green cultivation technique

通渭縣位于甘肅中部,屬典型的干旱半干旱地區(qū),垂直氣候十分明顯,海拔為1 410~2 521 m,年平均氣溫7.2 ℃,年總降水量300~600 mm,春季降水少,7 — 9月份降水量充足,適合于豌豆種植[1 - 4 ]。(剩余3372字)
