Chinese version of the Advanced Practice Nursing Self?Appraisal Tool and its reliability and validity test
ZHAO Wenjuan1, ZHU Zheng2, SHEN Zhiyun3, LAI Xiaobin2, YANG Yang1, ZHANG Yuxia3*
1.Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai 200032 China;2.School of Nursing, Fudan University;3.Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University
*Corresponding Author ZHANG Yuxia, E?mail: [email protected]
Abstract Objective:To translate the Advanced Practice Nursing Self?Appraisal Tool into Chinese,and to test its reliability and validity.Methods:Brislin transliteration?translation method was used to translate the Australian Advanced Practice Nursing Self?Appraisal Tool,and expert consultation method and cognitive interview were used for cross?cultural adaptation.A total of 1 224 nurses from 17 hospitals in Shanghai were selected by convenience sampling method to test the reliability and validity.Results:The Chinese version of Advanced Practice Nursing Self?Appraisal Tool had 5 dimensions and 37 items.The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the total scale was 0.889,the test?retest reliability coefficient was 0.982. The item?level content validity index(I?CVI) ranged from 0.8 to 1.0.The average scale?level content validity index(S?CVI/Ave) was 0.97,and the universal agreement of scale?level content validity index(S?CVI/UA) was 0.86.Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model fit well.There were statistically significant differences in scores of nurses in different positions(P<0.05).Effect size(ES) and standardised response mean(SRM) for each dimension were>0.8.Conclusions:The Chinese version of the Advanced Practice Nursing Self?Appraisal Tool has good reliability,validity,responsiveness and good cultural appropriateness.It can be used to measure the practice level of nurses in China and provide important evidences for distinguishing different nursing practice levels.
Keywords advanced nursing practice; scale; reliability; validity
摘要 目的:將高級護理實踐區(qū)分量表漢化并進行信效度檢驗。(剩余18429字)