Comparison of measurement results with intra?arterial invasive blood pressure and noninvasive blood pressure in premature infants
LI Rongdan, XIE Qiaoqing, SITU Miaoqiong, HUANG Kezhi, LI Zhiying
The First Hospital of Sun Yat?Sen University, Guangdong 510000 China
Corresponding Author LI Zhiying, E?mail: [email protected]
Keywords premature infants; invasive blood pressure; noninvasive blood pressure; correlation; consistency; weight; fetal age; nursing
摘要 目的:探討早產(chǎn)兒橈動脈有創(chuàng)動脈血壓(IBP)和無創(chuàng)血壓(NIBP)測量結(jié)果的一致性和差異性。(剩余10289字)