Interpretation of "Best practice recommendations for geriatric dysphagia management with 5Ws and 1H"(2022 edition)
QIN Jingjing, SUN Likai, WANG Mei, PENG Shenyi, PEI Jiacheng
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei 430000 China
Corresponding Author SUN Likai, E?mail: [email protected]
Keywords swallowing disorders; elderly people; best practices; nursing
摘要 從老年人吞咽障礙護理視角對《老年人吞咽障礙5Ws和1H管理的最佳實踐建議》(2022年)進行解讀,對推薦意見進行歸類整理,以增進我國護理人員對其的理解,提高臨床實用性。(剩余13210字)