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中圖分類號:TS272.5+4;R972+.6                                 文獻標識碼:A           文章編號:1000-3150(2023)01-6-6

Effect and Mechanism of Anhua Dark

Tea on Reducing Blood Lipid and Weight

LI Qin, XIONG Ligui, YAN Lingling, ZHAI Yuke, LIU Zhonghua*

National Research Center of Engineering Technology for Utilization of Functional Ingredients from Botanicals,

Hunan Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Tea Science of

Ministry of Education, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China

Abstract: Due to the unique raw materials, processing technology and environment, Anhua dark tea has an unique flavor and significant health benefits for human health, such as anti-obesity and anti-hyperlipidemia. This paper reviewed the bioactive component composition, the anti-obesity and anti-hyperlipidemic effects and relative mechanism of Anhua dark tea, and provided a theoretical basis for healthy tea drinking of Anhua dark tea for the consumers.

Keywords: Anhua dark tea, active ingredients, effect of lowering blood lipid and losing weight, metabolic syndrome

