【摘 要】慢性濕疹是遺傳免疫、環(huán)境、情緒、個人生活習慣等多種因素引起的疾病,臨床表現(xiàn)多為皮疹、丘疹、脫屑、紅腫等,伴有瘙癢,其病程較長、易反復、治療難度較大。因此,做好預防及管理至關(guān)重要。本文從飲食、環(huán)境、微量元素、運動以及科學治療等方面內(nèi)容進行綜述,旨在為慢性濕疹的預防及管理提供相關(guān)參考。
中圖分類號:R758.23 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1004-4949(2023)16-0187-04
Prevention and Management of Chronic Eczema
SUN Yan-bin1, SI Qiu-yan1, XIAO Tao2
(1.Shanyang Town Communty Health Service Center, Jinshan District, Shanghai 201508, China; 2.Tinglin Hospital, Jinshan District, Shanghai 201505, China)
【Abstract】Chronic eczema is a disease caused by genetic immunity, environment, emotion, personal habits and other factors. The clinical manifestations are mostly rash, papules, desquamation, redness and swelling, accompanied by itching. The course of disease is long, easy to repeat, and difficult to treat. Therefore, it is very important to do prevention and management well. This article reviews the contents of diet, environment, trace elements, exercise and scientific treatment, aiming to provide relevant reference for the prevention and management of chronic eczema.
【Key words】Chronic eczema; Reasonable diet; Environmental control; Allergen; Trace elements
慢性濕疹(chronic eczema,CE)是當前臨床皮膚病中常見、復雜且難治的一種皮膚病[1-3]。(剩余6376字)