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The Monkey And The Fishermen

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Once upon a time, there lived a monkey inthewoods. Themonkeyclimbedupthetreeand looked down at the river everyday.

One day, the monkey saw fishermen throwa net over the river. He watched how the fisher-men caught fish.

Sometime after, the fishermen left the netandwenttohavelunch. Then,themonkeyclimbed down from the tree and went to the riv-erside. The monkey was planning to throw thenet like the fishermen did.

The monkey wasconfidentsince he wasgoodatimitating. Yet,thenetwoundaroundthe monkey when he touched it. Tied up in thenet, the monkey fell into the water.

The monkey regretted his behavior, but itwas too late.“I should have learned how to usethe net before touching it. After believing myprowess and showing off, I am in a bad fix.”Themonkeywhodidnotbehavecarefullydrowned in the water.

