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Recent Advances in Research on Interactions between Streptococcus Mutansand Oral Cariogenic Microorganisms

Gao Wenjia,Xie Yuandong,Li Chunwang,Wang Yawen,Yuan Meng,Li Yi**

Hospital of Stomatology,Jilin University,Changchun130021

**Corresponding author:Li Yi,email:[email protected]

[Abstract]As the global population ages at an accelerated pace,the prevalence of dental caries among the elderly is escalating,presenting a growing health concern.Streptococcus mutans is widely acknowledged as the primary cariogenic bacteria,while Lactobacillus and Streptococcus sanguinis also play significant roles in the initiation and progression of dental caries.In contrast,Streptococcus gordonii demonstrates an inhibitory effect on dental caries.This article meticulously reviews the intricate interactions among Streptococcus mutans,Lactobacillus,Streptococcus sanguinis,and Streptococcus gordonii in the oral microbiome.By delving into these microbial dynamics,it offers novel perspectives for the prevention and treatment of dental caries among the elderly.These insights contribute to the development of innovative strategies aimed at addressing the complexities of dental caries in the context of an aging population.

[Key words]Dental caries;Streptococcus mutans;Streptococcus sanguinis;Streptococcus gordonii

