Development of symptom assessment scale for patients with end?stage liver disease and its reliability and validity test
TIAN Ganlu, CHEN Zeyang, HE Wenying
The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Hebei 050000 China
Corresponding Author HE Wenying, E?mail: [email protected]
Abstract Objective:To develop the symptom assessment scale for patients with end?stage liver disease,and to test its reliability and validity.Methods:Based on the symptom experience model,the initial item pool was established according to the methods of literature review and semi?structured interview.After Delphi expert consultation,the initial scale was formed.A total of 334 patients with end?stage liver disease who were hospitalized in the department of gastroenterology of a tertiary grade A hospital in Hebei province were selected to test the reliability and validity.Results:The final version of symptom assessment scale for patients with end?stage liver disease included 7 dimensions,involving 23 items. The item?content validity index(I?CVI) ranged from 0.833 to 1.000,and scale?content validity index(S?CVI)was 0.971.The exploratory factor analysis(EFA) extracted 7 common factors,and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 62.556%.Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model fitted well.The Cronbach 's α coefficient of the scale was 0.859,the split?half reliability was 0.827,and the test?retest reliability was 0.848.Conclusion:The symptom assessment scale for patients with end?stage liver disease had good reliability and validity,which could be used to evaluate the symptom burden of patients with end?stage liver disease.
Keywords end?stage liver disease; symptoms; scale; reliability; validity
摘要 目的:編制終末期肝病癥狀評(píng)估量表,并檢驗(yàn)其信效度。(剩余11130字)