Influence of gastric tube indwelling on results of V?VST in stroke patients with dysphagia
CHEN Xingxing, WANG Hui, GU Yunqing, CHI Xiangfeng, HU Na, CHENG Yaqin, ZHUANG Yanfei, CAI Yawen
The Fifth Clinical College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong 510006 China
Corresponding Author WANG Hui, E?mail: [email protected]
Keywords stroke; dysphagia; indwelling gastric tube; volume?viscosity test, V?VST; security; validity
摘要 目的:探討留置胃管對腦卒中吞咽障礙病人容積?黏度測試(V?VST)結果的影響。(剩余6220字)