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【 摘要 】 “一字”是《筆記》中用于說明一組同源詞字形有關(guān)聯(lián)、詞義相同、讀音相同或相近的術(shù)語。通過對(duì)《筆記》“一字”的內(nèi)部考察及與《文始》的對(duì)應(yīng),可對(duì)《筆記》“一字”的性質(zhì)有深入認(rèn)識(shí),可加深對(duì)《文始》“變易”及章太炎詞源學(xué)思想的理解。

【 關(guān)鍵詞 】  章太炎《說文解字》授課筆記;一字;文始;變易

【中圖分類號(hào)】  H109.2   【文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼】  A

【文章編號(hào)】  2095-7009(2023)02-0049-06

A Study on “Yizi” in Zhang Taiyan’s Shuowen Jiezi Lecture Notes (Ⅱ)

XIAO Cun-xin; CHEN Xiao-qiang

(School of Chinese Languages and Literatures, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020, China)

Abstract: “Yizi(一字)” is a term used in Notes to describe a group of cognate words that are related in form, have the same meaning, and have the same or similar pronunciation. Through the internal investigation of the “Yizi(一字)” in Notes and the correspondence with Wenshi, we can have a deep understanding of the nature of “Yizi(一字)” in Notes, and deepen the understanding of “Bianyi(變易)” in Wenshi and it is also possible to deepen one’s understanding of the etymological ideas of Zhang Taiyan.

Key words: Zhang Taiyan’s Shuowen Jiezi Lecture Notes; Yizi; Wenshi; Bianyi

